الأحد، 25 يناير 2015

افضل 100 اداة سيديا ايفون ios8

هذه افضل ١٠٠ اداة من #سيديا بعد الجيلبريك
للاصدار ios8
ركب الجيلبريك قبل ان ينزل تحديث جديد من شركة ابل فتغلق الجيلبريك

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وهنا الادوات وسورساتها

Tweak 1. ReachApp. The very first Cydia tweak to introduce a multipane multitasking system. Still in the works but brings that Android multitasking experience over to iOS 8. Definitely one of the best out of these top 10 tweaks. A custom source is needed to install;“http://elijahandandrew.com/repo”
Tweak 2. Convergance. A complete lockscreen replacement tweak that spices up the standard lockscreen. Swipe left to access system toggles, swipe right to access applications quickly all from the lockscreen. Custom notifications are included and slide down for built in weather, news and calendar widgets.
Tweak 3. ColorFlow. This is one of those must have Cydia Tweaks. Adjusts the colors of your music controls and music application to the cover art of the song. Makes for a damn good atmosphere when listening to music.
Tweak 4. Auxo 3. Blends your control center and app switcher together. Looks really cool and has extra functions. Slide up from the bottom left of the screen to quickly multitask. Slide up from the bottom right to exit your current application. Extremely recommend this one.
Tweak 5. ClassicSwitcher. Bring back the old app switcher from iOS 6 and below. ClassicSwitcher is an elegant take on multitasking.
Tweak 6. VirtualHome. Prevent unnecessary wear on your home button. VirtualHome will activate the home button with just a tap and a tap and hold will bring up the app
Tweak 7. Switchability. Migrate your app switcher over to the extra unused space when activating Reachability, the bottom of the screen is still usable and there is no timeout. Favorites can be set.
Tweak 8. AppHeads. These are facebook messenger like chat heads in the app format. Makes for wicked quick multitasking & app switching. Looks really good too!
Tweak 9. MiniPlayer. Adds a micro music player widget to your device. Hides when not needed, can be summoned from within apps, lockscreen or springboard.
Tweak 10. Aeternum. The most complete and best working Apple Watch UI Cydia tweak. Animations are top notch and you can really tell a lot of work has been put into this tweak. Just updated with a new diamond pattern and several additional features. A must have.
Tweak 11. Dock&Roll. Add animation and life to your dock! Very similar in nature to Barrel Cydia tweak, swipe on your animation to scroll through applications. Very subtle and adds functionality. Add as many apps as you want to your dock as well.
Tweak 12. Polus. Recently updated with new features, quickly rearrange all functions and toggles in the control center to your liking. Even set apps if you prefer.
Tweak 13. f.Lux. Adjusts the color temperature of your display according to your surroundings. Dims in the nighttime, stays bright and colorful in the daytime.
Tweak 14. Confero. Minimize the clutter on your springboard with the Confero Cydia tweak. Collects all notifications from your device into one easily manageable area. Activate this tweak by clicking the little Confero logo on the top right of your status bar.
Tweak 15. Bigify+. Adjust your springboard icons color, size and more. Select overlay effects or install a predetermined theme. The possibilities are endless.
Tweak 16. Folder Icons. Create photo overlays for folders on your device. Very beautiful tweak.
Tweak 17. Mobius. Scroll through iOS pages infinitely. Great when paired with Barrel and Cylinder iOS 8 Free Cydia tweaks. Requires the following source to be installed; “repo.tylercasson.com
Tweak 18. Apex 2. Hide apps behind other apps, very fluid interface. Each app can nestle 4 other apps behind it. Nice way to clean up your springboard without using folders.
Tweak 19. Cobalia. Replace all of your recent contacts in the app switcher pane with toggles you can individually set.
Tweak 20. Springtomize 3. The ultimate powerhouse of all tweaks, modify and manipulate any aspect of your device. From control center, to dock to the screen lock effects. Incredibly diverse and useful tweak.
Tweak 21. Camrix. A nice camera overlay shaped as a circle, rectangle or circled rectangle. Can be activated within applications for a fast way to take pictures while doing something else. One of the best new Cydia tweaks.
Tweak 22. CameraTweak 3. Make your camera application much smarter and more useful. Add grids, extra quality settings and more direct control over video and photo settings.
Tweak 23. Record ‘N’ Torch. A completely free tweak that will be very useful. Enable flash during a video that is already recording. Saves you the trouble of having to end the video and enable flash.
Tweak 24. QuickShootPro iOS 8. Take pictures faster just by double tapping on the camera icon. Take pictures without opening the camera application.
Tweak 25. TapToSnap. Simply tap inside of the camera application anywhere to take a picture. A feature taken from Android that is so simple yet effective.
Tweak 26. Stealth Cam. Take pictures secretly on your iPhone with the screen off! Make sure sound is disabled to prevent any embarrassing moments.
Tweak 27. FrontFlash. Adds the snapchat like flash feature to your front facing camera when taking pictures. Actually does improve the quality of photos.
Tweak 28. Slo-Mo Mod. Enable slow motion video capture on previously unsupported devices such as the iPhone 5C, 5, 4S & 4.
Tweak 29. SmartTap. Ripped straight from Android, SmartTap is one of those Cydia Tweaks that stands out for a great idea. SmartTap turns your device on when you double tap the screen when it’s off. This can cause extra battery drainage due to it keeping your digitizer activated.
Tweak 30. SleepFX. Change the sleep animation when you lock your device. Instead of your device just fading to black, you can enable a tube tv effect or many others. You can also alter the sound.
Tweak 31. RoundDock. Add curves to your dock for a more modern look.
Tweak 32. CircleIcons. Set all of the icons in settings to circles. Fits in very well on iOS 8 and it’s hard to believe this didn’t come in stock iOS 8!
Tweak 33. Alkaline. Set mini themes for your battery icon, from sleek to more modern.
Tweak 34. ConvoPics. Add the iPhone 6 exclusive feature to older devices. Adds contact photos in the message list.
Tweak 35. SBFlip. Allows you to introduce iPhone 6 Plus functionality to all other iPhones. Basically, rotate your home screen on command.
Tweak 36. JellyLock7. Bring over the lock screen from Android to iOS 8! Very well made Lockscreen tweak that mimics Android’s, you can even set shortcut apps.
Tweak 37. AlternateControls. Androids lower controls ported to iOS 8. App switcher, home and back button in a nice Android interface.
Tweak 38. Search Widget. Requires iWidgets but installs the famous google search bar on your iOS springboard! To install just hold on the screen and then select the Search Widget.
Tweak 39. Cylinder. Exactly like barrel but free. Plus much more animations. Change the animation when swiping between pages of apps.
Tweak 40. HideMe8. Hide system functions that you do not need. For example, I was able to get rid of my battery icon and keep the percentage for a cleaner look.
Tweak 41. AirBlue Sharing. The one and only complete bluetooth sharing experience for iPhone. Send ANY file over bluetooth including music from iPhone to computers to Android phones.
Tweak 42. TetherMe for iOS 8+. Enables unlimited free tethering. Completely undetectable but for a one time fee of 5 dollars.
Tweak 43. 3G Unrestrictor 2. Removes the restrictions set on data in iOS. Can’t download applications over 100mb? Can’t watch Youtube in high quality? This tweak tricks your device into thinking you are running on a WiFi network.
Tweak 44. Phantom. Supercharge snapchat! Send camera roll photos or videos to friends or post to your story. Save photos and videos without signing into another app.
Tweak 45. PandoraSkips. Skip an unlimited amount of songs in Pandora.
Tweak 46. Facebook ++. Basically facebook on steroids. Reinstates facebook messenger within the app, no need for a separate messaging application. Disable read receipts and save facebook videos.
Tweak 47. SaveGram. Save photos in instagram directly to your device.
Tweak 48. True iRadio. Enables unlimited skips, no ads, scrubbing and better performance for iTunes radio in the music application.
Tweak 49. Dim. Allows you to dim the brightness of your device even further than iOS 8 would allow. Perfect for nighttime browsing.
Tweak 50. Clex 2. An elegant music player that activates when you slide from the edge of the screen. Slide from the left to search for songs and slide from the right to open the player.
Tweak 51. SphereView. Change the layout of iOS 8 into a sphere. Visuals are impressive and animations are fluid. Similar in a way to Aeternum, definitely unique.
Tweak 52. Zeppelin. Extremely old tweak, one of the best. Replace your carrier logo with a logo of choice. Anything from the batman symbol to a nike sign.
Tweak 53. WeatherBoard. A dynamic wallpaper for your iOS device. Will display the current weather of your whereabouts in the background. Has some impressive effects and takes little to no toll on battery life or performance. Extremely well made tweak.
Tweak 54. WinterBoard. As old as jailbreaking itself, this is one of the top iOS 8 Cydia tweaks of all time. Change the theme of your device, there are thousands of themes depending on your tastes in the Cydia appstore.
Tweak 55. BytaFont 2. Change system font. Huge selection of fonts.
Tweak 56. ColorY0urBoard8. Manage the color of your keyboard, unlimited color combinations.
Tweak 57. BootSound. Set a boot sound to your device, comes with a choice of 4. More can be added via SSH.
Tweak 58. Animate iOS 8. Set custom boot logos. You can manually make and put them in or download packs from Cydia just by searching for ‘Boot’.
Tweak 59. Flurry. A beautiful overlay for iOS 8. Adjust the blur effect to your liking. Very extensive, can be seen in nearly all aspects of iOS 8.
Tweak 60. Vertex. Merges Control Center with your App Switcher. Makes for a very pleasant App Switcher.
Tweak 61. GuestMode. Enables a separate account for guests from the lockscreen. Really nice thing to have when sharing your device with others.
Tweak 62. Appelancy. Face unlocking Cydia tweak on iOS 8! Unlock your device with your face. Many settings to play with including making it completely undetectable.
Tweak 63. AppelLocker. Turn on face locking on individual applications. Like Bio Protect but with your camera and face.
Tweak 64. LockGlyph. A very minimalistic addition to the lockscreen. Replaces the slide to unlock text with the TouchID icon taken straight from passbook. Settings
Tweak 65. Spin . A clever looking replacement to the music player icons on your lockscreen. Plays well with LockGlyph but not with other lockscreen tweaks. You’ll need to add the following source to install it. “http://repo.hackyouriphone.org/”
Tweak 66. SubtleLock. A very sleek and minimalistic lockscreen for iOS 8. Does not compare with convergance Cydia tweaks but is a very nice alternative.
Tweak 67. CCBackground. Set backgrounds to your control center interface, actually looks pretty dang neat!
Tweak 68. Wallmart. Cycle wallpapers every time you lock your device, helps keep things fresh.
Tweak 69. IntelliscreenX. One of the most expensive Cydia tweaks but it’s worth it. Keeps all of your notifications organized and keeps you updated on all of the latest news & updates thanks to its notification center interface.
Tweak 70. ClassicDock. Brings back the dock from iOS 5 and iOS 6 in a reimagined format. Looks really good on iOS 8.
Tweak 71. IGotYa. Greatly increase the security of iOS 8 by having your device take a photo and sent it to an SMS number or email along with the location of the user. This is activated by one or two incorrect login attempts. IGotYa will also prevent you from accessing the power down buttons in order to prevent you from shutting down the device and evading FindMyiPhone.
Tweak 72. Clap. Clap your hands to locate your iPhone when it is within earshot.
Tweak 73. BioProtect. Very functional tweak that adds an extra layer of security to your device. Have a spouse or friend creeping around your device? Worry no longer, this tweak allows you to lock individual applications with a TouchID enabled
Tweak 74. Photego. Protect your photos from being deleted or shared with Touch ID.
Tweak 75. UninstallNever. Prevents anybody from uninstalling your applications without your permission.
Tweak 76. Better Delete. Gives you metadata from applications when attempting to uninstall.
Tweak 77. CyDelete8. Delete Cydia packages directly from the springboard. No need to uninstall manually from the Cydia settings. Only works for apps with visible icons on the lockscreen.
Tweak 78. WiFi Booster. Extend the range of WiFi detection on your iPhone. WiFi settings will now display all signals, even if they are weaker.
Tweak 79. Call Enhancer. A very elegant way to make blocked calls, this tweak will automatically give you a blocked call button inside of the phone application.
Tweak 80. MyReachability. Make one handed use more tolerable on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Pulls the screen down to one corner, shake to switch sides.
Tweak 81. iCleaner Pro. Free up leftover data from various sources. Never run out of memory again!
Tweak 82. SpeedIntensifier. One of those iOS 8 Cydia tweaks that can drastically enhance your user experience. Speed up system animations or remove them completely to make your device faster!
Tweak 83. BattSaver. Uses non conventional methods to preserve battery life on iOS 8, extremely effective. Such as disable all but 2G radio when locking devices to search for notifications.
Tweak 84. Predix. One of my favorites from this batch, Predix shows you down to the second how much battery life you have left. Accurate and a good tool to have.
Tweak 85. HomeScreenDesigner. Rearrange the application grid for your springboard to any format. Not very user friendly but can make for some cool looking results.
Tweak 86. Sleipnizer. Enhance your Safari experience. Speeds up the browser while adding very useful functionality such as hold to open in new tab without a popup.
Tweak 87. Ignition. The very first CarPlay tweak that works on iOS 8! Mount your device to your dash and enjoy Apple’s CarPlay system which is both a GPS, music player, hands free dialer and messenger all in one. This tweak does NOT require a source, only ReachApp does (my mistake).
Tweak 88. Dye. Set custom system UI colors, the simplest of all Cydia tweaks to do this.
Tweak 89. Smart Search. Give Spotlight search more brains with the choice to search custom sites such as reddit or wikipedia.
Tweak 90. NightMode8. Enables a system wide night mode for less. Like eclipse 2 but with more control of individual applications and settings.
Tweak 91. PM, really? Asks you every time you set an alarm to PM if that’s what you really wanted. I could see this being really useful.
Tweak 92. OopsLock. Lets you get right back into your device where you were if you lock your device and suddenly have a change of heart and need to do something else. Set the timeframe for this function and is activated by pressing the home button after locking.
Tweak 93. SendDelay. Create a delay after clicking send when sending a message. Prevent any regrets or mistakes from reaching their destination before you can fix them.
Tweak 94. MsgServiceSwitch. Decide when to send a message via iMessage or SMS. Simply hold the send button until you feel the vibration to switch.
Tweak 95. MessageHeads. Enable the facebook messenger ChatHeads for messages in iOS 8. System wide support and really functional to boot.
Tweak 96. SwipeSelection. Move the cursor when editing text without the hassle of using your finger. Also just as easily select text to copy.
Tweak 97. UntetheredHeySiri. Activate Siri just by saying “Hey Siri”. Except this tweak allows you to activate Siri by saying that even when you’re not connected to a power source.
Tweak 98. EasySpring2. Best toggles for when turning off your device. 5 Choices total including respring, reboot, refresh, safe mode and shut down.
Tweak 99. BounceNotify 8. This tweak reminds you of any unseen notifications on your device by bouncing the app icon the notification is associated with. You can change the speed and height of the bounce to make it less annoying.
Tweak 100. KillBackground8. With just the click of one button, remove all applications from the multitasking pane.
Bonus Tweaks.
Tweak 101. AnyDrop 3. Expand the functionality of airdrop on your device. Send any file, not just photos and videos. You can even message songs to anybody.
Tweak 102. VideoPane. Enable a video pane in any application. Watch a video from any source while multitasking. Another feature taken from Android, an invaluable one at that.
Tweak 103. ReachTheNyanCat. Completely pointless but a nice way to fill the void that Reachability leaves behind. Fills the black gap with an animated version of the popular nyan toaster cat.
Tweak 104. Volume Amplifier. Increases the volume of your device beyond factory spec. Be VERY careful with this one, never go beyond 1 or 2 increments, it can blow your tiny little speaker!
Tweak 105. GIFPaper. Use any GIF image as your springboard or lockscreen background. Can use saved GIF’s or use a link.

للمزيد تابعني على تويتر Follow @bofarj 

الثلاثاء، 6 يناير 2015

حل جميع مشاكل تويتر وتغيير الرقم السري من الايفون

حلّ المشاكل

إيجاد حلول للقضايا المشتركة

مشاكل تسجيل الدخول
إعدادات الحساب
إعدادات الملف الشخصي
التغريدات والرسائل المباشرة
شاهد شرحي بالفيديو



طريقة ربح المال من تويتر بسهوله


شاهد الشرح

الاثنين، 5 يناير 2015

أدوات من سيديا مجانا ios8 غيرت الايفون

الادوات المستخدمة :

  1. Doubel Tap To Sleep
  2. Auxo 3 السورس العربي cydia.myarabicsource.com/
  3. Repower
  4. SleepFx
  5. SoundOpen ios 8 السيديا العربية arabiancydia.org/
  6. LittleBrother السورس repo.xarold.com/
اشترك بقناتي باليوتيوب لكل جديد

السبت، 3 يناير 2015

تثبيت لعبة Super Smash iOS 8 بدون جيلبريك

بسم الله والحمد الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحابته ابو بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي رضي الله عنهم اجمعين. 
تثبيت اللعبة القتالية الممتعة سهل جدا فقط شاهد الفيديو فيه الشرح. 👇


ادعم المدونة بالنقر على الاعلانات لن تخسر شي وشارك الموضوع مع اصدقائك لتشجعني على الاستمرار. 
للمزيد تابعني على تويتر Follow @bofarj 

الجمعة، 2 يناير 2015

بذكاء ايفون 16 قيقا يكفي كل صورك وبرامجك

بسم الله والحمد الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحابته ابو بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي رضي الله عنهم اجمعين.

مع هذا الموضوع لن تحتاج ايفون اكثر من ١٦ قيقا ابدا شاهد شرحي
واشترك بقناتي

تظبيق دروب بوكس

Dropbox by Dropbox

تطبيق ون درايف
OneDrive by Microsoft Corporation

للمزيد تابعني على تويتر Follow @bofarj 

الخميس، 1 يناير 2015